Diseño de Logotipo

Logotipo diseñado por Mª José Ruiz, alumna de Educación Plástica de 4º de ESO en el curso 2013-14.


lunes, 22 de mayo de 2023

Cuento del mes de mayo

Desde Polonia, el profesorado y alumnado que ha participado en el Erasmus en Lublin  nos ha traído para nuestra Biblioteca  un libro de leyendas de Polonia: Legends of Lublin and Lutsk.  Hemos seleccionado una de ellas par la sección  del cuento mensual. Puedes dejar tus comentarios después de leerla.

 Borczarski and a mill

The palace at 13 Bernardyńska Street had many owners. For some time it belonged to the king of Poland,John III Sobieski (the name of the building used today stems from him). In the nineteenth century, the palace fell into the hands of Dominik Boczarski who came up with a genius idea to build a mill in the palace tower... and a rather unusual mill -the blades of the windmill were placed horizontally. As a result the entire tower looked like a huge helicopter. Unfortunately, this particular idea turned out to be a complete flop. Not only that the windmill did not spin at all, when a storm came, it also smashed the blades into splinters and scattered them across the street. The unlucky entrepreneur decided to rebuild the mill, in which he invested all his savings, but that did not help his interests either -Boczarski went bankrupt. The failure of the businessman was known all over the city, and his name was even there in a proverb: when someone was unlucky in business, it was said that “he wound up with the short end of the stick, just like Boczarski did with his mill". When we stand in front of Sobieski's palace on a moonless night, in the window, we might see the silhouette of Boczarski's ghost, who wanders around the interiors of the palace, trying to find a way to save his business...

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